, pub-6522566050698370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Cozy Bugz: Weekly Challenge

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Weekly Challenge

Okay, you know how every week the lessons challenge the girls to live what they are learning?

Teach something you learned today to a friend or family member...
During the week, think about how this lesson can help you in your life...
Who can you share your testimony with this week?
Blah, blah, blah.

I think these are great challenges, but it's just so easy to forget to think about it during the week!  I wanted to try something new, so I tried making the girls little spiritual notebooks.  You can get three mini composition books for a dollar at The Dollar Tree.  It's something small enough that they can fit into a purse or scripture bag.  The goal is to have them write down their challenge each week and take it home with them.  They can also use it as a spiritual journal, or to glue their handouts in each week. 

I was so excited when I handed them out at the beginning of class today.  About two minutes into the lesson one of my beehives raised her hand and asked, "Can I write that in my notebook?!?!"  Yes. Yes. Yes.  That's what I'm talking about!

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