, pub-6522566050698370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Cozy Bugz: Bring On The New Year!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Bring On The New Year!

Hello friends!
Hooray for the start of a fresh, new year! 

It has taken me all month to get back into the swing of life. The holidays rocked me this season AND we got a new, baby puppy!

Let me introduce you to our sweet Kipper the bernedoodle. He loves cuddles, hikes and stealing our rain boots. He hates baths with the fire of a thousand suns. And he is our perfect boy.

If you're interested in keeping up to date with his adventures, follow his IG profile below 

Let me give you some fun printable updates for my Cozybugz TPT shop. Bop on over to see what else is available!

Acts of Kindness Printable

Cover a jar or bucket with this random acts of kindness printable to encourage students to be kind and serve others. Print and cut out hearts to fill your motivation jar. Works great for singing time, class rewards, Valentine's Day activities and more! Comes with a color option or black and white.

Adjective Coloring Compliment Cards

60 coloring cards with compliment adjectives. Makes a cute activity for students to pick qualities they like in themselves, or a great way to connect with peers by spotlighting one student and having the class pick a compliment card that describes what they admire most in that individual. Great for class birthdays or Valentine's Day!

Time Capsule New Year's Printable

This time capsule printable includes an "about me" page, sections for photos, hand prints, notes from loved ones, a letter to future me, the MASH game and more!!

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