, pub-6522566050698370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Cozy Bugz: Twenty Five Days of Christmas

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Twenty Five Days of Christmas

My goal this year is to do something "Christmas-y" everyday in December.

HA!  Obviously, not all of these will end up happening because I am good at life and can't get through a week of dinner plans without having a left-over/cereal night.  But December is the season of believing, so I'm gonna have a little extra faith in myself and take the first step by writing this blog post.  

December 1st:
Today is dedicated to dusting off the Christmas decorations in the back of the storage closet. And, also, convincing my hubby of his bravery so he can climb the high ladder to put up the house lights.

This is also a great time to make a Christmas music playlist or find your go-to December Pandora Station.

December 2nd:
Our stake is putting on a nativity activity the beginning of December.  It'll be nice starting the month off right away with the Christmas spirit.  P.S. Can you tell that I have a one year old?

December 3rd: 
Time to take family pictures... which our family is obviously really good at.  If we're able to envelope and mail out Christmas cards, we could write letters to Santa at the same time and ship them all off at once.

December 4th:
There's the Cascade Locks Festival of Lights at 3 PM in the City Hall Gymnasium.  This will be Trekker's first time taking a picture with Santa.  He's kind of going through a "stranger-danger" phase, so it'll be interesting to see how that event unravels.

December 5th: Family Home Evening
I want to try a fun service project to work on together as a family.  My cousin loves helping with Operation Christmas Child, so I think we might give it a try this year.
And no FHE is complete without dessert: Peppermint Eggnog punch please.

December 6th:
Trekker and I can get our Christmas arts and crafts on.  I plan on spending approximately 12 hours on Pinterest picking out my approximately 12 minute 
craft-ivity.  A light/sensory toddler box?
Cheerio Christmas Chain?  Wouldn't you like to know.

December 7th:
According to my weatherman friend, Google, Cascade Locks will be greeted with snow showers on this blessed day.  What could be more appropriate than building a snowman and later coming inside and watching the most wonderful, depressing film "The Snowman"?

December 8th:
I'm cheating and doing two movie nights in a row... Polar Express accompanied by hot chocolate.

December 9th:
Hubby's Holiday work party

December 10th:
Sleepover under the Christmas tree

December 11th:
Watch "Elf" and eat Spaghetti (Maple syrup optional)

December 12th: Family Home Evening
Time to "Elf" the neighbors.
Or if you don't have anything cute to doorbell ditch, you can always buy those ugly birds at the dollar tree and tape them to the door like we did to Ben and Lydia.  

December 13th:
Ginger bread house night.  
Note to self:  Let icing dry extra long this year so the house doesn't collapse again.

December 14th:
Girls' night - Holiday chick flick and Christmas pedicure.  And by "girls' night" I mean me painting my nails and forcing the boys to watch a chick flick with me.

December 15th:
Make a homemade Christmas video or record a song.  A brotherly tradition of Mitchell and family has been to make a Christmas soundtrack.  The results every year are sensational.

December 16th:
Who doesn't like a Dollar Tree shopping spree?  Now that we have baby Trekker to buy gifts for, it may be my new favorite shopping location.

December 17th:
Crossing my finger that we'll have some snow towards the end of the month too.  At some point we're gonna have to go sledding or snowshoeing.  It is just mandatory.

December 18th:
Christmas Mormon Message night.  Some nights it's so relaxing just sitting in bed with a laptop clicking through Mormon Messages.  I could watch those videos for days.

December 19th: Family Home Evening

December 20th:
This might be my most favorite of all favorite December activities.  Jumping in the car and driving around looking at Christmas lights.  You know those Christmas BINGO cards you can find on Pinterest?  I always thought it would be so fun to take some of those on the car ride and play I SPY or whatever.  

December 21st:
How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Grinch Punch

December 22nd:
Wrap presents/last minute Christmas shopping

December 23rd:

December 24th:
Everything!  Everything!  Overwhelm ourselves with Christmas!  Christmas pretzels, watch the nativity movie, read scriptures, open one family present, sleep upside-down, enjoy the family, remember the Savior, and wish a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!

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