, pub-6522566050698370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Cozy Bugz: CFM: Be It unto Me according to Thy Word

Sunday, December 30, 2018

CFM: Be It unto Me according to Thy Word

Family lesson ideas while studying with little ones
Download blank CFM weekly program HERE.

Opening Song: When Someone Cares

With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible
Going through pictures from the Gospel Art Book, we can search for all the scripture story examples where God made things happen that should have been impossible.

A virgin could not conceive.  Nor could a barren woman who was well past child-bearing years.  But God had a plan for the birth of His Son and of John the Baptist, so both Mary and Elisabeth, against all earthly odds, became mothers.

God's Blessings Come in His Own Time
This lesson really hits home for me because of how we struggled with infertility for years before having our first child.  It'll be a great personal story to remind our son how special he is and how we had to trust in God's timing instead of how we felt the timetable should have played out.

As an object lesson we'll get a new jigsaw puzzle the kids have never seen before.  Without letting them see the cover art, they'll get one or two puzzle pieces handed to them at a time and will slowly get to put it all together.  Sometimes we may feel frustrated not knowing what the ending will be like, but through patience we work with the pieces we've been given and slowly watch our life "pictures" form around us.

Knowing Our Family History Blesses Our Lives
After reading about the lineage of Jesus we can talk about our family history and share stories of our ancestors.  Back in October our family started our own Dia de los Muertos family history tradition that could fit in perfectly for a lesson like this.

Closing Song: God Moves in a Mysterious Way

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