, pub-6522566050698370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Cozy Bugz: CFM: We Have Come to Worship Him

Sunday, January 6, 2019

CFM: We Have Come to Worship Him

Family lesson ideas while studying with little ones

Download blank CFM weekly program HERE.

Opening Song: The Nativity Song

Baby Jesus
Hopefully you haven't packed away all your Christmas decorations just yet.  This lesson is a great opportunity to pull out the nativity scene while telling the story of Baby Jesus.

Speaking of babies... Little T is at the perfect age where he's trying to grasp that Mom and Dad were once little kids too.  All the family baby pictures are coming out.  I'm hoping it'll help him understand that Jesus was once a little baby too.

Little T
Little Sis

Jesus in His youth
Luke 2:52 is one of my most favorite scriptures in the New Testament.
I did an entire Young Women's lesson on it years ago.  Find that lesson post HERE.

Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.  We can discuss how when Christ was on the Earth he did regular things that all little kids do too.  He read books, he ran and played, he said his prayers, he read his scriptures, and had lots of friends.

I created a self-improvement worksheet where family members can evaluate how balanced out their life categories are.  Am I increasing in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man?

Download PDF worksheet HERE.

Parents can receive revelation to protect their families
When we learn of what Joseph did to keep his family safe it could segue into a great discussion about the safety rules we have in our family.  When I was a kid, I remember my family had a "safety tree" across the street from our house where we all would meet if the house was on fire.  Strangers, emergencies, all the danger talks...

Father's Business Jar
Straight from the manual: 
Consider writing down some ways your family can participate in the Father’s business and placing them in a jar. During the coming week, when your family is looking for ways to do Heavenly Father’s work, they can select ideas from the jar. Plan a time when you will share your experiences.

Click HERE for a free printout of "My Father's Business Jar".  It includes a jar label, cut-outs with family activities, and blank cut-outs to fill in your own.  

Closing Song: Joy to the World 


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