, pub-6522566050698370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Cozy Bugz: Happy Father's Day

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day is coming up SUPER soon!  And the primary was put in charge of handouts to pass out after sacrament meeting for all the fathers/father-figures.

We are keeping it simple.  Hershey's kisses attached to this Father's Day print-out.  So grateful for the Supermen in my life: My dad, husband, father-in-law, grandparents, uncles, bishops, teachers, friends... The list is endless!
Find the free printable HERE.  

To go along with the "kisses" theme, the primary kids are singing DADDY'S HOMECOMING for our special music number.  We're asking all the kids to wear their dads' ties to church to show off when they go up to sing.  Luckily, Mitch has a million dress ties so we'll be sure and have back ups for kids without access to any.

At the end of the song when everyone sings "A GREAT BIG KISS" the kids will have a little laminated lips picture hiding in their palms.  They can blow kisses out to show the congregation.
I've uploaded a bunch of different colors to Dropbox for easy printing.  Enjoy your kisses.  And spoil your fathers this upcoming special day!


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